Theme: Sharing good practice in multilingual schools
Convenor/s: South West RIG
15:45 Welcome & introductions – Catherine Brennan (NALDIC Convenor)
15:55 Creating & living with our multilingual mural – Hayley Hayes & Melissa Lawrence (EAL Leads, Southville Primary)
Hayley & Melissa will share their experiences as teachers involved in this project, i.e. the impact they have seen amongst their school community, and will ‘walk the wall’ with all.
16:05 Co-creative experiences and artefacts: – Dr Joy Cranham (Lecturer and Research Assistant, Department of Education, University of Bath)
Exploring the ongoing impact beyond the production phase – how do the creations affect people, spaces and communities?
16:20 Group discussions – Key messages & practical ideas to take forward.
16:35 Leading on EAL in a secondary school – Jane Bryan (EAL Lead, Mangotsfield School, South Glos)
Jane will share some key impactful actions she has taken at her large secondary school in her first year as EAL Lead.
16:45 Reflections on today & planning next RIG meetings for 2024-25
17:00 Close of meeting.