NALDIC works collaboratively with government and voluntary agencies, schools, EAL services and universities to promote the learning and teaching of EAL and multilingual learners.
EAL Bilingual
EAL-Bilingual is a well-established discussion forum for people who are interested in English as an Additional Language (EAL), multilingual education, or associated topics. The forum is mainly UK-based but we welcome engagement from all who are interested in this field. Bring your questions and share your research and practice!
EAL Bilingual is managed by NALDIC and you will need to tell us a little about your involvement/interest to support your request to join the group. EAL Bilingual cannot be used for commercial purposes.
The Council for Subject Associations
The Council for Subject Associations (CfSA) is a coordinating membership organisation, speaking with one consistent voice, on behalf of different member Subject Associations. The CfSA supports a range of other education associations, which represent a professional sector membership comprising teachers and educators across all subjects and age phases in the UK. The CfSA is the national voice for education.
NALDIC has been awards the CfSA Kitemark for our work as an EAL subject association.
The Chartered College of Teaching
The Chartered College of Teaching is the professional body for teachers. We are working to empower a knowledgeable and respected teaching profession through membership and accreditation. We are dedicated to bridging the gap between practice and research and equipping teachers with the knowledge and confidence to make the best decisions for their pupils.
NALDIC and the CCT run regular workshops together.
Anti-Racism Framework for Initial Teacher Education / Training
The Racism Framework was developed through a research project commissioned by the NEU and supported by internal funding from Newcastle University. NALDIC was a partner in this project.
The University of Manchester
NALDIC commissions and supports research in the Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology programme.
Coalition for Language Education
The Coalition for Language Education is committed to developing the communicative capacities of individuals, groups and institutions and the range of languages and communicative styles that they can draw on.
NALDIC is a signatory.