For a list of upcoming RIGs and SIGs meetings CLICK HERE
Regional Interest Groups Coordinator Dianne Excell
Special Interest Groups Coordinator Susan Stewart
We are always grateful for offers of help with organising or starting up regional groups, so if you are interested in collaborating, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Beginner and Early Career Teacher SIG
Convenors: Fazana Farook & Susan Stewart
Meeting dates, resources and links
Berkshire & Hampshire RIG
Convenors: Anna Tsakalaki, Sarah Coles, Karen Thomas
Meeting dates, resources and links
EAL Coordinators SIG
Convenors: Cherry Pearce & Christina Hingley
Meeting dates, resources and links
East Midlands RIG
Convenors: Caroline Bruce & Annie Kershaw
Meeting dates, resources and links
Early Years SIG
Convenors: Lynsey Weston & Sian Ansell
Meeting dates, resources and links
Independent Schools SIG
Convenor: Nandhaka Pieris
Meeting dates, resources and links
Initial Teacher Educators SIG
Convenors: Fazana Farook and & Susan Stewart
Meeting dates, resources and links
International Schools SIG
Convenors: Katharine Anderson & Lorna Caputo
Meeting dates, resources and links
Kent RIG
Convenors: Please contact us if you would like to convene this RIG
Newcomers & Refugees SIG
Convenors: Fiona Ranson & Kulwinder Maude
Meeting dates, resources and links
North & East London RIG
Convenor: Daniel Ayres
Meeting dates, resources and links
North East RIG
Convenors: Rashda Salamat & Diane Embley
Meeting dates, resources and links
South London RIG
Convenors: Krisztina Fogarasi
Meeting dates, resources and links
South West RIG
Convenors: Catherine Brennan & Gail Forey
Meeting dates, resources and links
West Midlands RIG
Convenor: Justine Dakin
Meeting dates, resources and links
Yorkshire & Humber RIG
Convenor: Dianne Excell