Theme: Culturally inclusive practices in the classroom: engaging and responding to the needs of EAL learners
NALDIC Special Interest Groups (SIGs) have developed in response to requests from members who want to raise the profile of EAL and bilingualism in a specific area of interest.
Culturally inclusive practices in the classroom involve actively engaging and responding to the needs of English as an Additional Language (EAL) learners. This can include using bilingual or multilingual teaching materials, incorporating students’ cultural backgrounds into the curriculum, and providing extra support for language acquisition. By implementing these practices, teachers can create a more inclusive and welcoming learning environment for EAL students, which can lead to better academic outcomes and a stronger sense of belonging for these students in the classroom. In this meet we hope to share ideas and experiences from the independent sector; reflecting on post-pandemic.
Dr Amritesh Singh from the University of St Andrews will be giving a talk linked to the topic of the meet focussing on ‘engaging with sexism and misogyny in an EFL context’.
Sign-up on our Eventbrite page – it’s FREE!
Independent Schools SIG Convenors
Dawn Cremonese, Kenna Troup & Louise Mehrabian