Theme: Yet to be confirmed
Saturday, 8th June 2019 | 10:00 – 12:30
Venue: Rookery School, Rookery Road, Birmingham B21 9PY
Convenor: Mary Maybank (
Guest Speakers:
Andrina Flinders | Headteacher of Fullbrook Nursery School, Walsall
Ahmed Arif | EAL Coordinator at Joseph Leckie Academy, Walsall
The meeting is free and open to anyone. You do not have to be a NALDIC member to attend.
Please let Mary know if you would like to make a 3 minute presentation about your work with EAL learners (any aspect) at this session.
Target audience: Primary and Secondary School Practitioners; Senior Leaders, Inclusion Managers, EAL Coordinators, Class Teachers and Teaching Assistants.
Please contact the convenor to BOOK your place.