One of NALDIC’s key pillars is to assist the community of EAL practitioners in developing and maintaining professional skills and knowledge of the teaching of EAL and related fields by providing opportunities for them to share and reflect on their practice.
EAL Learners in the UK
Who are our EAL learners and what are their needs?
Bilingualism and Additional / Second Language Acquisition
What is bi- and multilingualism and how should teachers approach this?
Equity, Diversity Inclusion: a bookshelf
Suggested books for use in the classroom and a handout.
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion: resources 
Suggested links to resources, videos, podcasts and social media
NALDIC Publications
NALDIC publishes a wide range of EAL books, papers and reports. Many of our in-house serial publications are now available as e-publications and the shop will be updated with more soon.
The EAL Coordinator: the first one hundred days
This pamphlet is for those new to the role of EAL Coordinator in Primary and Secondary schools.
The Distinctiveness of English as an additional language 
This is a handbook for all teachers which brings into focus what is distinctive about English as an additional language as a field of education. By bringing together theory and practice, it offers sound principles teaching and a basis for developing an understanding of the field.
Learning Capsules
Learning Capsules offer bite-size professional development for NALDIC members and will cover a range of themes and topics linked to learning and teaching EAL.
Understanding Multilingual Children’s Language Development
This online course is aimed at teachers, speech and language therapists, and parents wanting to know more about how to support children learning in more than one language.