In the constantly changing educational climate, the once ring-fenced Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant (EMAG) is no longer available; funding to Local Authority central services has been reduced as money is paid directly to academies and free schools; EAL services have been diluted or even evaporated and changes have been made to Initial Teacher Training. But we are all aware that the number of EAL pupils is increasing year on year and there is an urgent need for continuing CPD for all professionals in the field. As a consequence, at the NALDIC General Council Meeting in March 2012, it was decided that the Regional Interest Groups (RIGs) should be refreshed in order to contribute to this support, tailored to local needs. In Yorkshire and Humberside, we decided to grasp the nettle, and since October 2012, five very successful RIGs have been organised across the region. We meet termly but, because we are a very large geographic area, each meeting has had a different venue (Leeds, York, Sheffield, Bradford, Harrogate).
View from the Chair (page 2)
Yvonne Foley
Introduction (page 3)
Dianne Excell and Jean Conteh
“My language too, please” The Sheffield HoLA Project (page 5)
Claire Allison and Caroline Norman
Mentoring and coaching using elements of the ‘Plan, Teach and Review’ and ‘Lesson Study’ approach (page 9)
Rita Kumar
Does the use of model text aid bilingual learners’ writing proficiency in GCSE Controlled Assessments? (page 12)
Peter Ruse
The Arooj Collaborative – a partnership for raising attainment in Leeds (page 17)
Therese O’Sullivan
An ITT student’s perspective: Is the use of L1 effective in an L2 environment? (page 25)
Charlotte Wood
Raising awareness of effective induction procedures for EAL learners in North Yorkshire (page 29)
Sarah Benito de Valle
Book Review: Language, Culture and Identity in the Early Years Issa and Hatt (2013) (page 34)
Jean Conteh
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