NALDIC’s 17th Conference, with the theme, ‘Integrated Language, Integrated Curriculum’, held at Reading University, was another runaway success, as the following set of papers, including transcripts and write-ups of the various sessions held on the day attests. Nothing comes close to the actual experience of being there, of course, but I hope this edition of NQ will give you a flavour of the breadth and depth of the day’s events and encourage you to book early for next year’s 18th Annual Conference, when NALDIC will officially come of age! (Whether we are given the keys to the door remains another matter…)
Editorial (page 2)
Frank Monaghan
View from the Chair (page 3)
Nicola Davies
Keynote presentations
Reimagining Bilingualism in Education for the 21st century (page 4)
Ofelia Garcia
Language, Curriculum & Integration: A view from a video project (page 12)
Maggie Hawkins
Scaffolding inclusive language and literacy education: Interdisciplinary digital narrative projects at primary school (page 16)
Heather Lotherington
Keeping sight of content-driven language in a skills-based curriculum (page 23)
Jonathan Brentnall
EAL practice and experience: issues from current research (page 35)
Oksana Afitska, Jean Conteh, Ann Elisabeth Jones, Constant Leung and Catherine Wallace
Using a Multidimensional Approach to Meet the Reading Literacy Needs of EAL Pupils (page 38)
Yvonne Foley
Teacher partnerships between mainstream and complementary schools: from parallel worlds to connected curricula (page 46)
Charmian Kenner, Mahera Ruby and Eve Gregory
Hablamos los dos / We speak both (page 49)
Ricardo Otheguy and Ofelia Garcia
NALDIC News (page 54)
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